

BRACCI is a luxury leather collection that is built in a state of the art Factory, located in southern Italy, that  specializes in the manufacturing of high-end contemporary and modern leather sofas. The process starts with new and trend setting designs from top Italian designers, then the designs are brought to life by highly skilled artisans, who have learned their craft from past generations. This combination of high tech building methods and materials with old world craftsmanship allows Schoenfeld Interiors to proudly offer an exclusive 100% “MADE ITALY” product, brought to North America at value prices.

Bracci luxury Italian sofas are made only with selected eco-friendly hides tanned in Italy from European and South America origin. The thickness of the leather collection goes from 1.2mm to 2.0mm,  and also the tailoring is done with a thick stitch called ” Tuscany stitch”. All leathers are cut by hand with traditional techniques, which cannot be replaced by even the most modern technology.
The foam is a super-soft eco-friendly open cell polyurethane foam with 3.5 density, high resilient elastic webbing, and solid wood frames that are assembled using dowels and double corner blocks.